Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

Non- Surgical Nose job is getting more and more popular as the alternative procedure to traditional rhinoplasty. By injecting dermal fillers, it only takes 15 – 30 minutes to reshape the nose and there’s no downtime required.

What is a Non-Surgical Nose Job ?

Non-surgical nose job, also known as non-surgical rhinoplasty, is the alternative option for someone who wants to improve the shape of the nose but doesn’t want to go through the knife. Non-surgical nose job is a very safe treatment that use hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to correct the shape and structure of the nose, improve the height of nasal bridge and lift the tip of the nose. It also can significantly smooth out the bumps and humps on the nose and adjust the symmetry of the nose. Unlike surgical rhinoplasty, the results of non-surgical nose job are immediate. However, the results of the non-surgical nose job are temporary which you may need to repeat the treatment to keep the result.

Non-surgical nose job is a great way to preview how you would look like after the rhinoplasty with certain modifications or if you wish to have a smaller nose.

How Does it Work ?

The non-surgical nose job is a series of quick injections of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers into the nose area to precisely reshape the nose. Like any other dermal filler treatments, the hyaluronic acid dermal filler fills into the injected area to improve the shape of the nose instantly. It is a perfect alternative option for someone who wants to achieve a more defined, straightened and lifted nose without any downtime.

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are the most widely used substances in injectable treatments. The hyaluronic acid can be found in our body and has multiple functions such as moisturising our skin, helping with collagen production and volumising the skin. The HA dermal fillers are very safe which are non-animal, cross-linked, hyaluronic acid (HA) and are made in a laboratory.

Whats Involved in the Procedure ?

Your journey of non-surgical nose job starts with our thorough consultation, we will do a full facial assessment and discuss your desired looks in order to create a tailored treatment plan for you. Before the injection, numbing cream will be applied to the nose area to reduce any discomfort. The injection is simple and quick, and the dermal filler is injected slowly and precisely with a very fine needle. You can see the improvement straight after the treatment and return to your daily routine. 

What Are The Benefits of Non-surgical Rhinoplasty ?

  • Minimally invasive with minimal discomfort 
  • Instant results with subtle changes
  • Quick and safe treatment which only needs 15-30 minutes
  • No downtime and quick recovery 

Non-Surgical nose job treatments are more affordable and safer than the surgical rhinoplasty. Surgical rhinoplasty usually requires general anaesthesia and longer recovery.  Surgical rhinoplasty a permanent change for the nose, which means if you don’t like the results, you cannot change it without going through another surgery. 

The Non-surgical Nose Job treatment usually takes around 15 – 30 mins. 

Before the injection, we will apply numbing cream on the treatment area to reduce any discomfort.

After the non-surgical nose job, you will not need any recovery time and get back to your daily activities straight away. Like any other injectables, you may see a minor swelling or possible bruising in the treatment area, which usually will subside in 2-3 days.

Non-Surgical Nose Job is a highly safe injectable treatment. It uses the hyaluronic acid dermal filler which can be broken down and reabsorbed by our body naturally. 

The non-surgical nose job cannot reduce the size of the nose. However, it can create the illusion of it being thinner and smaller by injecting strategically into certain points of the nose to make the face more in harmony.

You can see instant results after only one treatment.

Non-surgical nose job can be done with other dermal filler treatments, anti-wrinkle injections and other injectabels. 

We recommend our patient to avoid wearing glasses for 1-2 weeks until the nose fillers settle down.

– Avoid exercising immediately following treatment for 24 hours

– Avoid any objects around the nose, including glasses or sunglasses (avoid 6-7 days) and no excessive pressure, touching or rubbing of the areas injected for the first few days

– No alcohol or excessive salts for 24 hours

– Avoid applying makeup for 24 hours after the treatment

– Avoid getting a facial, laser treatment and having hot baths and sauna/ steam room for two weeks

The team at Soprano Ice Edinburgh pride themselves on providing the highest standard of customer care and always listening to client needs and expectations.

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